.TH arc-ur-logger 8 "2014-05-01" "NorduGrid @VERSION@" "NorduGrid Toolkit" .SH NAME arc-ur-logger \- ARC deprecated plugin that creates accounting records for SGAS .SH DESCRIPTION .B ARC UR logger is an authplugin to store FINISHED jobs information in accouting records files for further sending to SGAS (by means of \fBarc-ur-registrant (8)\fR). Nordugrid ARC deprecates ur-logger plugin since ARC version 4.1.0 in favor of Jura. .SH SYNOPSIS arc-ur-logger %C %I %S %U .SH CONFIGURATION UR logger (generator) purpose is to create records on job completion based on the job info and \fB[logger]\fR section of \fBarc.conf (5)\fR. \fBEnable plugin in A-REX configuration\fR .br authplugin="FINISHED timeout=10,onfailure=pass /usr/libexec/arc/arc-ur-logger %C %I %S %U" \fBThe [logger] block\fR This section configures what to do with records generated by the arc-ur-logger tool. For more information see /usr/share/doc/nordugrid-arc-ur-logger/urlogger.pdf .TP .B log_dir The log_dir option will set the top directory for the generated usage records. The option will default to /var/spool/arc/usagerecords/ and can be left out. It is suggested to leave out this option, unless there is a good a reason not to. .IR Example: .br log_dir="/var/spool/arc/usagerecords/" .TP .B log_all The log_all option configures where usage records are registered. All usage records will be registered to the URLs specified with the log all option. It is possible specifiy multiple URLs be having them space seperated. .IR Example: .br log_all="https://sgas.ndgf.org:6143/sgas https://sgas.grid.dk:6143/sgas" .TP .B log_vo The log_vo option makes it possible to only register usage records run with certain VO users to the given URL. It is possible to have multiple entries, by seperating entries with a comma. .IR Example: .br log_vo="bio.ndgf.org https://biosgas.ndgf.org:6143/sgas" .TP .B ur_lifetime The ur_lifetime option specifies how many days usage records are kept after being archived. The default is 30, and the option can be left out. .IR Example: .br ur_lifetime="30" .TP .B urlogger_logfile urlogger_logfile sets the log file for the logger. The default is /var/log/arc/ur-logger.log. .IR Example: .br urlogger_logfile="/tmp/arc-ur-logger.log" .TP .B urlogger_loglevel urlogger_loglevel sets the log level for the logger. Valid options are: debug, info, warning. The default is info which will write one line log per job, assuming everything goes as planned. .IR Example: .br urlogger_loglevel="info" .TP .B registrant_logfile registrant_logfile sets the log file for the registrant. The default is /var/log/arc/ur-registration.log. .IR Example: .br registrant_logfile="/tmp/arc-ur-registrant.log" .SH AUTHOR Henrik Thostrup Jensen