.TH arc-ur-registrant 8 "2014-05-01" "NorduGrid @VERSION@" "NorduGrid Toolkit" .SH NAME arc-ur-registrant \- ARC deprecated plugin that sends accounting records for SGAS .SH DESCRIPTION .B ARC UR registrant is a script to register usage records (written by \fBarc-ur-logger(8)\fR) to SGAS ur servers. Intented to be run from cron regularly (every hour or so). Nordugrid ARC deprecates ur-logger plugin since ARC version 4.1.0 in favor of Jura. .SH CONFIGURATION To register the usage records and registrant should be invoked regularly be CRON. We suggest every hour. The crontab entry would typically look like this: 5 * * * * /usr/libexec/arc/arc-ur-registrant SGAS servers where records should be sent specifeid in \fB[logger]\fR section of \fBarc.conf(5)\fR (see \fBarc-ur-logger(8)\fR man page). For more information see /usr/share/doc/nordugrid-arc-ur-logger/urlogger.pdf .SH AUTHOR Henrik Thostrup Jensen