Changes between Version 23 and Version 24 of Documentation/Manuals/ARCNativeAPELClients

May 1, 2014 4:23:27 PM (11 years ago)
Andrii Salnikov



  • Documentation/Manuals/ARCNativeAPELClients

    v23 v24  
    11= Using native APEL Client to report usage statistics from ARC CE =
    2 == Installation (EL6) ==
    4 BLAH logger plugin is available for ARC >= 3.0.0. For previous ARC versions you can use [#CompatversionofloggerforolderARCCEversions compat BLAH logger].
    6 Install ARC CE plugin to write logs for APEL BLAH parser from Blackjack repo:
    7 {{{
    8 yum -y localinstall
    9 yum -y install nordugrid-arc-blahp-logger
    10 }}}
    12 Current ARC version is 4.x, if you need to install BLAH logger for previous version 3.x you need to specify version directly:
    13 {{{
    14 yum -y install nordugrid-arc-blahp-logger-3.0.0
    15 }}}
    17 BLAH logger also available for EL5 in Blackjack repo, for other OSes you can use [ sources].
     2== Installation ==
     3BLAH logger distributed along with {{{nordugrid-arc-arex}}} package since version 4.1.0, so with a latest version you already have logger installed.
     5For previous ARC versions you can [#BLAHloggerforARC410 install standalone package from Blackjack repos].
    197Install APEL parser and client from EMI repos:
    178166To speed-up the process you can declare "APEL" and "gLite-APEL" endpoints simultaneously.
    180 == Compat version of logger for older ARC CE versions ==
     168== Running ARC CE along with CREAM ==
     169Not a problem, on your ARC CE you just does not need to parse LRMS logs (once they are already parsed on CREAM box) and does not need to run {{{apelclient}}} for the same reason. All you need is BLAH logger and APEL parser to parse only one more BLAH logs.
     172enabled = false
     175Several ARC CEs within the same grid site can be configured the same way.
     177== Configuration for SLURM LRMS ==
     1781. Please refer to the [ APEL Parsers System Administrator Guide] (section 4.3) for instructions how to configure SLURM to write an accounting records for APEL parser.
     1802. In APEL parser configuration specify {{{SLURM}}} type and corresponding accounting records path.
     1823. Add and extra argument to ARC BLAH logger:
     184authplugin="FINISHED timeout=10,onfailure=pass /usr/libexec/arc/arc-blahp-logger -I %I -U %u -L %C/job.%I.local -P %C/job.%I.proxy -c host.fqdn:2811/nordugrid-SLURM"
     188== BLAH logger for ARC < 4.1.0 ==
     190For ARC 4.0.x install standalone package from Blackjack repo (EL6 only):
     192yum -y localinstall
     193yum -y install nordugrid-arc-blahp-logger
     196For ARC 3.x you need to specify version 3.0.0 directly (EL6 only):
     198yum -y install nordugrid-arc-blahp-logger-3.0.0
     201For previous ARC versions you can use [#CompatversionofloggerforolderARCCEversions compat BLAH logger].
     203BLAH logger also available for EL5 in Blackjack repo, for other OSes you can use [ sources].
     205=== Compat version of logger for older ARC CE versions ===
    182207Compat version of logger has been written in BASH, depend on {{{arcproxy}}} tool and also available in Blackjack repo:
    192217The last parameter is optional like {{{-c}}} in binary version.
    193 == Running ARC CE along with CREAM ==
    194 Not a problem, on your ARC CE you just does not need to parse LRMS logs (once they are already parsed on CREAM box) and does not need to run {{{apelclient}}} for the same reason. All you need is BLAH logger and APEL parser to parse only one more BLAH logs.
    195 {{{
    196 [batch]
    197 enabled = false
    198 }}}
    200 Several ARC CEs within the same grid site can be configured the same way.
    202 == Configuration for SLURM LRMS ==
    203 1. Please refer to the [ APEL Parsers System Administrator Guide] (section 4.3) for instructions how to configure SLURM to write an accounting records for APEL parser.
    205 2. In APEL parser configuration specify {{{SLURM}}} type and corresponding accounting records path.
    207 3. Add and extra argument to ARC BLAH logger:
    208 {{{
    209 authplugin="FINISHED timeout=10,onfailure=pass /usr/libexec/arc/arc-blahp-logger -I %I -U %u -L %C/job.%I.local -P %C/job.%I.proxy -c host.fqdn:2811/nordugrid-SLURM"
    210 }}}