Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of Meetings

Apr 4, 2016 9:07:30 AM (9 years ago)
Andrii Salnikov



  • Meetings

    v3 v4  
     1= Biweekly meeting on 2016 April 1 =
     2== Attendees ==
     3||   [[span(class=fa fa-2x fa-cog)]]            ||Core !ParaLab Engineers || Oleksandr Sudakov, Andrii Salnikov, Ievgen Sliusar, Olexander Boretsky ||
     4||   [[span(class=fa fa-2x fa-user)]]           ||!ParaLab Members        || - ||
     5||   [[span(class=fa fa-2x fa-graduation-cap)]] ||Students                || Almost all ||
     6== Essay ==
     7This meeting was dedicated to tracking student's bachelor work progress. Each student made a report and we have provided a feedback with recommendations about the work structure.
     8For every work (except one that we have changed for Krasnolob because of no progress on previous one) we have defined the exact name in ukrainian.
     10We devoted all time to students, so we will try to arrange off-schedule meeting to track out own progress.
     12= Biweekly meeting on 2016 March 18 =
     13== Attendees ==
     14||   [[span(class=fa fa-2x fa-cog)]]            ||Core !ParaLab Engineers || Oleksandr Sudakov, Andrii Salnikov, Ievgen Sliusar, Olexander Boretsky (half-time) ||
     15||   [[span(class=fa fa-2x fa-user)]]           ||!ParaLab Members        || - ||
     16||   [[span(class=fa fa-2x fa-graduation-cap)]] ||Students                || Vladyslava Novikova, Valerii Trigubov  ||
     17== Essay ==
     18We had stated with review of planned and unplanned workload during the past 2 weeks, discussions on open tasks that still requires attention.
     20Than we focus on !AliEn heavy load issues with FhGFS and general filesystem-related questions including quotas and user-oriented stuff. Mitigation ways are discussed and tickets are updated correspondingly. Due to the next milestone we should finish this part.
     21The third part of the discussion is the student's coursework tasks formalization. We have brainstormed necessary info for user-oriented web that will go to corresponding tasks.
    124= Biweekly meeting on 2016 March 04 =
    225== Attendees ==
    1235Review eats all time, so we have not managed to discuss student coursework tasks as planned.
    14 = Biweekly meeting on 2016 March 18 =
    15 == Attendees ==
    16 ||   [[span(class=fa fa-2x fa-cog)]]            ||Core !ParaLab Engineers || Oleksandr Sudakov, Andrii Salnikov, Ievgen Sliusar, Olexander Boretsky (half-time) ||
    17 ||   [[span(class=fa fa-2x fa-user)]]           ||!ParaLab Members        || - ||
    18 ||   [[span(class=fa fa-2x fa-graduation-cap)]] ||Students                || Vladyslava Novikova, Valerii Trigubov  ||
    19 == Essay ==
    20 We had stated with review of planned and unplanned workload during the past 2 weeks, discussions on open tasks that still requires attention.
    22 Than we focus on !AliEn heavy load issues with FhGFS and general filesystem-related questions including quotas and user-oriented stuff. Mitigation ways are discussed and tickets are updated correspondingly. Due to the next milestone we should finish this part.
    23 The third part of the discussion is the student's coursework tasks formalization. We have brainstormed necessary info for user-oriented web that will go to corresponding tasks.